Optimize your Business with Javan

Every Business must be profitable, which can be achieve by Increase Revenue And/Or Reduce Cost. Inefficient Business Process is one of Big Factor which contribute to Revenue and Cost. Business Process Optimization will identify and improve your Business Performance

Projects That Have Been Completed

We are one of the best in dealing with business problems and optimizing them

Project 1

OMBUDSMAN Republik Indonesia

Project 2

LKPP Aplikasi Portal PPSDM

Project 3

LKPP Aplikasi E-Katalog

Project 4


Project 5


Business Process Optimisation Life Cycle

1 Bisnis Proses 1

Identify who and what

Refers to who the Organization works with (i.e. beneficiaries, clients, donors, partners), what services these stakeholders need and whether the Organization is able to deliver these services.

2 Bisnis Proses 1

Design how to deliver what

Refers to how the Organization will deliver the requested services (what) to satisfy stakeholders’ needs.

3 Bisnis Proses 1

Implement how to provide the what

Refers to how the Organization will deliver services (what) to stakeholders.

4 Bisnis Proses 1

Design how to deliver what

Refers to how the Organization will deliver the requested services (what) to satisfy stakeholders’ needs.

Our Technologies in Our Daily

Camunda BPMN

Our Optimized Partners

Optimization is endless journey. Technology provide a lot of business process improvement.

XL PLN LKPP Kominfo Ombudsman